6 Warning Signs That Indicate Your Heart Doesn’t Work As It Should

Numerous symptoms and indications may signal an underlying issue with your heart’s function. Early recognition of these signs is crucial, and seeking prompt medical consultation is imperative.

Listed below are six prevalent warning signs of heart disease that warrant your attention:

  1. Arm Discomfort

Many individuals may experience discomfort in one or both arms as a precursor to a heart attack. This sensation arises when pain radiates from the heart to the spinal cord, where numerous nerve pathways converge. As a result, the brain may misinterpret this signal, causing it to perceive arm pain when the issue lies elsewhere.

  1. Persistent Cough

While a cough can result from various causes, a chronic and enduring cough could signify a more serious underlying problem, such as cardiovascular disease. The presence of blood or pinkish fluid in the cough can be indicative of heart failure.

  1. Skin Abnormalities

Unusual rashes and skin conditions may also serve as indicators of heart disease. Recent studies have shown a 48% likelihood of individuals with eczema developing high blood pressure and a 29% chance of developing elevated blood cholesterol. Furthermore, those who have experienced shingles have a 59% higher risk of suffering a heart attack compared to those without the condition.

  1. Pallor

Paleness in the skin can signal reduced blood circulation and a diminished red blood cell count, potentially indicating heart failure. This pallor might manifest in specific areas of the body or affect the entire body, particularly when the heart struggles to pump blood efficiently. If you observe skin paleness, it is advisable to consult your doctor for further evaluation.

  1. Loss of Consciousness

Fainting and episodes of losing consciousness are common among individuals dealing with heart-related issues. Insufficient blood flow from a blocked artery, often associated with a heart attack, can lead to these episodes. If you frequently experience fainting spells, seeking a medical evaluation is strongly recommended.

  1. Edema in the Legs, Feet, and Ankles

Inadequate heart function can cause fluids to seep from blood vessels into the surrounding tissues, resulting in swelling of the legs, feet, and ankles, a condition known as peripheral edema. While many individuals with peripheral edema may not have heart disease, it remains a prevalent symptom among heart patients and warrants close attention.

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Liyana Parker

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